Here are a few quick steps on how to create carrier labels for orders and how to create the manifest for Intersoft orders at the end of the day.
Tip: Bookmark this guide in your browser in case you want to check it anytime
Step 1
Select one or multiple orders by clicking on the box in the 1st column.
Step 2
Go to the action dropdown and select the "Create carrier label" option in the dropdown. (This will generate a carrier label for each order and open a new tab with the PDF which you can print)
Step 3
After the day is over and you won't be creating any more labels you can create the manifest by clicking on the "Actions" button and the "Create manifest (intersoft)" option.
If you decide to create the manifest after clicking the Yes button a new tab will open with the PDF which you can print.
If you closed the PDF that opened after creating labels you can find the labels if you open the order by clicking on the green order number and clicking on view in the bottom right corner at "Shipment Details"
If you closed the PDF that opened after creating the manifest (intersoft) you can find the manifest history under Settings -> Shipment Management -> Intersoft (Royal Mail) -> Edit button
Here is a short video with the full process.