Multi sorting Grid

Multi sorting Grid

Nventree offers its users a way to multi-sort their Order Grid.

This will help users to sort their print order by multiple criteria.

Every header title has 3 stages: not active (no arrows), ascending A-Z (arrow upwards), and descending Z-A(arrow downward).

On the first click, it will sort ascending, then descending, and if you click again then it will cancel the sorting.

If you don’t need multi-sorting, then you can select the desired sort method in the page settings:

If for any reason you are having trouble sorting, just make sure there are no other sorting options active, and there are no arrows on any other columns.

If you would like to have multi-sorting, first make sure all sorting options are deactivated.

Choose the first column to be sorted, click it to sort ascending or descending, and then click on the second column header. Just make sure that you are sorting something that will allow you a second sort.

In the example below you can see three different columns to be sorted. As mentioned earlier, just make sure that the first column allows sorting. If you first sort by column A then nothing else can be sorted as every value is unique so nothing else can be further sorted.

But, if you will sort first by column B then you can see a few different values in column C for the same value in B, so after sorting ascending or descending column B then by clicking to sort column C.  Just Ship It will sort ascending or descending, starting with the values in column C assigned to the value “1” in B, then it will sort the values for all the “2” from B.

In multi-sorting we do not recommend starting with any of these columns as it has unique values and it will not allow you second or third sorting: Orders, Invoice, Customer name.

If you are struggling sorting please let us know and we will be more than happy to help.

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