Carrier label and manifest creation
Here are a few quick steps on how to create carrier labels for orders and how to create the manifest for Intersoft orders at the end of the day. Tip: Bookmark this guide in your browser in case you want to check it anytime Step 1 Select one or ...
Multi sorting Grid
Nventree offers its users a way to multi-sort their Order Grid. This will help users to sort their print order by multiple criteria. Every header title has 3 stages: not active (no arrows), ascending A-Z (arrow upwards), and descending Z-A(arrow ...
What can you see on the Dashboard
Orders Awaiting Despatch, and Status of Orders A quick graph of your daily sales over your platforms. The Graph by default will show you the last 30 days of sales, and you can use 'Today mode' to check today's Sales Report. The text info will detail ...
Despatching Orders
1) Select your orders to be shipped 2) Hit "Despatch"
Template Builder
Nventree does not require HTML knowledge to set up and edit Invoice and Delivery note templates. To access the builder, first, create a printing profile in Settings>Printing Settings. On the create screen you will find a button at the bottom called: ...